Trend Bathroom & Kitchen Centre Terms and Conditions of Sale
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (“Conditions”) shall apply to and form part of any contract for the supply of goods, products and materials and related services (“Goods”) by Trend Bathroom and Kitchen Centre (“The Company”).
1.1 These terms are subject to alteration without notice.
1.2 This Agreement commences on the date the Purchaser accepts the Quotation in writing.
The price of Goods specified by the Company in any quotation:
These Terms, the Quotation, the Rates Schedule, the Credit Application, the Credit Terms and any other written instruction or authority provided by the Company to proceed constitutes the entire agreement (“Agreement”) between the Purchaser and the Company to the maximum extend permitted by law; and:
If the Goods have been supplied by the Company under a Consumer Contract and the Purchaser is in default in the performance of any of its material obligations under these Conditions, the Company may refuse to deliver further Goods until such time as the Purchaser has remedied that default and where:
If the Purchaser (including a Purchaser under a Consumer Contract) commences to be wound up or is placed under official management or into liquidation or has a receiver and/or manager appointed in respect of any of its assets or becomes insolvent, commits any act of bankruptcy or becomes subject to any other analogous event, the Company may at its option exercise any or all of the following rights in addition to any other rights it may have under these Conditions or at law:
Subject to the Purchaser’s statutory rights under the CCA:
Nothing in this clause affects any statutory obligations of the Company in relation to the Goods (or corresponding rights of the Purchaser), that may not lawfully be excluded.
All descriptions, specifications, illustrations, drawings, data, dimensions and weights contained in catalogues, price lists or other advertising matter of the Company or elsewhere are approximations only. They are intended by the Company to be a general description for information and identification purposes and do not create a sale by description.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these Conditions, it is a term of the contract made between the Company and the Purchaser that the Company has discretion to refuse to supply Goods to the Purchaser (without liability to the Purchaser) where:
Unless otherwise agreed, the Company shall deliver Goods to the Purchaser as follows:
a) The Company reserves the right to arrange transport by any means in its absolute discretion; b) Delivery will be made during Working Hours to the location agreed by the parties (“Delivery Point”);
c) The Company or its transport contractor will deliver the Goods so close (“Drop Spot”) to the Delivery Point as, in the opinion of the Company or its transport contractor, it is safe or prudent to do so and delivery occurs and risk in the Goods passes to the Purchaser when the Company’s or its transport contractor’s delivery vehicle arrives at the Drop Spot;
d) The Company reserves the right to charge the Purchaser any costs which it incurs as a result of any delay by the Purchaser in unloading the Goods or where unloading of the goods cannot be effected, including, if applicable, a return delivery fee at the prevailing freight rates;
e) The unloading of Goods at a Drop Spot is the Purchaser’s responsibility at its own cost and risk but the Company or its transport contractor may, without liability to the Purchaser, unload the Goods at the Drop Spot if the Purchaser requests the Company to do so or is absent from the Drop Spot at the time the Company or its transport contractor wishes to unload and, subject to the rights of Consumers set out in clause 18.2, the Purchaser releases and forever discharges the Company and its transport contractor from and against any claim, cause of action or liability arising out of the unloading of Goods at the Drop Spot;
f) Where the Purchaser attends the Company’s premises to acquire the Goods, the Company may, in its absolute discretion:
i) Deliver the Goods into or onto the Purchaser’s vehicle in which case risk in the Goods passes to the Purchaser and delivery is effected when the Goods are set down in or on the Purchaser’s vehicle; or
ii) Deliver the Goods by setting them down along side the Purchaser’s vehicle in which case risk in the Goods passes to the Purchaser and delivery is effected when the Goods are set down along side the Purchaser’s vehicle notwithstanding that the Company’s staff may, on request, assist the Purchaser to load the Goods into or onto the Purchaser’s vehicle.
If the Company is prevented either directly or indirectly from performing any of its obligations under these conditions, including without limitation, making a delivery of the Goods or any part of the Goods by reason of force majeure, it shall be entitled, at its option, by notice to the Purchaser, either to:
a) Extend the time for delivery of the Goods for a reasonable period; or
b) Subject to refunding the Purchaser for any payment already made to the Company in respect of those particular Goods (if any), terminate this contract,
and the Purchaser shall not have any claim against the Company for damages or any other remedy for breach of contract. Force majeure shall mean an act of God, war, fire, strike, lockout, trade or industrial disputes, Government interference, lack of production capacity of raw materials, transport delays, supplies or any other cause beyond the Company’s control.
The Purchaser agrees that legal and equitable title to the Goods is retained by the Company until the Company receives payment in full from the Purchaser for the Goods and all other monies owing by the Purchaser to the Company at any time. Prior to title in the Goods passing to the Purchaser, the Purchaser:
a) Must hold the goods as bailee and fiduciary agent of the Company;
b) Where the Purchaser processes the Goods, either by using the Goods to manufacture other goods or by incorporating the Goods in or with any other goods, must hold such part of the new goods (“Processed Goods”) on trust for the Company as bailee and fiduciary agent of the Company;
c) Must store the Goods and such part of the Processed Goods separate from its own goods and those of any other third party so that they are readily identifiable as the property of the Company;
d) Must keep the Goods in good and merchantable condition and fully insure the Goods against loss or damage however caused;
e) Must not sell the Goods except with the prior written consent of the Company or in the ordinary course of the Purchaser’s business, provided that any such sale is at arms’ length and on market terms;
f) Any proceeds of re-sale insofar as they relate to the Goods shall be held on trust for the Company in a separate account; and
g) Must not create any encumbrance over the Goods which is inconsistent with the Company’s title and ownership of the Goods.
If a dispute arises in any way out of this Agreement, or its breach, termination or validity or the Goods the subject of this Agreement, the parties agree to endeavour to settle the dispute by mediation before having recourse to litigation, other than for disputes involving the payment for Goods by the Purchaser.
The Company acknowledges that consumer legislation contains certain guarantees for the supply of goods or services that cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by these Conditions. For example, for Consumers:
Nothing in these Conditions is intended to excluded or restrict the application of such laws.
Subject to the rights of Consumers set out in clause 16.2:
All contracts between the Company and the Purchaser shall be subject to the laws of the State of Victoria and the Purchaser agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Victoria and the Federal Court of Australia.
In these Conditions:
Agreement means the agreement between the Company and the Purchaser to provide Goods to the Purchaser subject to these Terms and Conditions of Trade (“Terms”) as defined in clause 4.1 above.
Business Day means Monday to Saturday (inclusive) excluding public holidays at the place of delivery.
CCA means the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and any amendment thereof.
Consumer means a person who acquires Goods from the Company where:
Consumer Guarantee means the guarantees provided for in Part 3-2 Division 1 of the Australian Consumer Law or any amendment thereof.
Credit Agreement means the credit application, guarantee and terms and conditions of credit of the Company as amended from time to time applicable to the Purchaser upon being granted credit by the Company.
GST means the tax payable on Taxable Supplies within the meaning of the GST Act.
GST Act means the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 and any related legislation imposing such tax or legislation that is enacted to validate, recapture or recoup such tax.
Purchaser means a person, being an incorporated or unincorporated business or an individual, who acquires Goods from the Company and includes a Consumer.
Related Corporation has the meaning given to the term “related body corporate’ in section 50 of the Corporations Act 2001.
Working Hours means Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am to 3:00pm (inclusive) excluding public holidays at the place of delivery.
© 2023 Trend Bathroom and Kitchen Centre.
Created by Linking Integrating